Brian Pereira has been a student of the martial arts since the age of six, beginning with Judo. At eighteen years old he received his Black Belt and competed in the United States and internationally.
He has trained in Goju Karate (Black Belt under Kancho Robert Sullivan) and currently trains Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with Roy Dean (3rd Degree Black Belt in BJJ).
For more than twenty years, Brian has been teaching martial arts to students of all ages and has helped prepare several state and national champions as well as prepared executives for increase d responsibility using the principles that has made him a successful software entrepreneur.
Brian was the Founder and Head Instructor at Gracie Barra Pymble until 2017 and studied under Professor Vincent Pang, who is a student of Victor Estimate in the UK. Prior to that he was awarded his Black Belt in Japanese Jiujutsu under Soke Alan Campbell, Head of the World Jiu Jitsu Federation.

Brian spent his formative career years in the military and during those ten years, trained in unarmed combat, achieving instructor status.